Tuesday, December 27, 2005

20051222 - Harrison Resort

So we woke up and decided we didn’t want to do a day of this lame hot tub or public pool so we cancelled our last night at the Executive, but ate the good breakfast we had gotten for our package booking, it was amazingly good food too. Then we went over to the Harrison Hot Springs Resort, which owns that actual source of the hot springs and has been around for around 100 years, they have 5 REALLY nice hot spring fed pools that are private to the guests only, so it was worth the 30 more a night. Checked in at like 11am into a king bedroom, that was small because it was historic, but a LOT nicer then the other hotel.

We decided to go on a hike first to view the hot springs source and the beautiful redcedar woods. We hiked all around in the rain and had a blast looking at the ferns and waterfalls through the rocks when I found something interesting. There had been a huge, very old, water tower container thingy in the middle of the woods, and next to it down the steep hill was a 30 foot board that went down a ditch. Christelle took a picture and then went and walked down the trail way, but I saw an adventure. So I squatted down and got on the board, at first it wasn’t that slick but then I took of like a shot, it was nuts, I made it all the way to the end where it lips up and I put on foot on the lip to stop myself and then slid out into the dirt. I didn’t get hurt at all just my butt and leg got dirty. HERE IS THE VIDEO

Christelle then made it to the bottom of the trail around the bend and yelled over to see if I was allright because she heard a weird noise, like falling. I showed her my dirtiness and she new exactly what I had done. I told her to get the camera out and I will show her what I did. So I climbed back to the top and she started rolling. Well this time I knew what to expect so I got on the board and it immediately took off. I couldn’t hold it and slipped off a little to the left and then hit the lip with my ribcage and it flipped me over into the dirt… and it was all on video. At first I got up and wasn’t hurt, just shaken up by flipping over and the craziness of it all. Then as we were walking, me limping a little, over to a pool of water to wash my hands off in, I noticed I was bleeding quite a bit from my wedding ring finger. Some how I had lifted the nail and gotten a sharp stab underneath and my other two fingers on that hand felt like they had been smashed by a hammer. I don’t know how it happened, even after looking at the video over and over, but it wasn’t that bad of an injury anyways. But it is all on video.

Anyways, so we went back and got me cleaned up and then went to the hot spring pools, at this resort they had an adults only pool, so we just chilled in that one for hours that day. It was amazing, it was funny too because this young Asian couple was in there too always when we were and they would copy whatever we were doing as a couple, it was funny, I love Asians, haha. Then we went to a German restaurant called Black Forest, and I had schnitzel oscar and spaeztle, and Christelle had a creamy cheese chicken with spaetzle and potatoes. They were both amazing meals. We then headed back to the hotel, and back into the hot springs. The whole time we had been there it had been raining so it was nice to sit in the hot pools while it rained ice rain on your shoulders. We then went to our respective changing rooms and sat in the saunas. She met a nice Asian lady, and I met some guys my age from Seattle, it was pretty neat. Then a final video recording before going to bed and that was it for that day… the funnest day of the trip. Posted by Picasa


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