Tuesday, March 28, 2006

20060328 - Third Day on the North Strip and Fremont

Today was the day of the monorail, the night before I had been in a bit of pain because my freshly washed hiking sandals had made the straps a little tight so I ended up having too much friction on my tenden so it was painfully sore. So when I woke up I decided I needed a pair of flip-flops so it wouldn't rub anymore.

So we headed on over the my favorite, the Aladdin. It was 11 am and most people had stopped serving breakfast, and as we were walking we saw a sign for a place called La Salsa, and they had breakfast till 11:30 and really cheap too. The breakfast, me breakfast burrito, her avocado omelette, was great. Then we found the Crocs sandal stand we had seen the prior day. We both ended up getting a pair, and then I put them on and we headed out. It was quite a relief. Anyways, enough of the lame step by step.

After that we took the monorail all the way to the top at the Sahara. There we went on the awesome ride Speed the Ride, it goes over 70mph and was so insanely fast, even faster then the rollercoasters in the big parks like in Orlando.

After that we were definately in the rollercoaster mood so we headed on over to the Stratoshpere, which looked really close but ended up being quite a bit of a walk. Anyways, it was a cool place, they had a lot of great shops, hookah bars, and various other neat shops, we however walked by them all and headed up to the coasters on the 1154 ft. tower. In line we met a nice rich couple who had seen a Cirque De Soleil show and had a large stratosphere shaped drink, so after the rides Christelle made sure to get one for herself. There were 3 rides, the Big Shot, which is the one that launches you up the top of the needle as you can see the whole city and then you bungee back down. Then there was X Scream, which was a ride that was kinda wierd. It like falls over the edge and then you stop, just staring down, then it slowly goes back up and then you drop again, then it acts like it is done and you go back, but then it races ahead and hangs you over the edge again. More annoying then cool. The Insanity was awesome though, a little to dizzying, but awesome. It had 5 pairs of seats that were swung out over the edge and then spun fast at a 70 degree angle and it faces you so you are looking down the 1200 ft spinning, seeing IHOP and Denny's over and over again.

After those fun rides we went to Circus Circus and took pictures to recreate the Fear and Loathing spinning bar scene. It was a blast. Circus Circus was definately more for kids so we headed out. The Stardust I think was next, just a plain casino, There were a few others any between that weren't really worth mentioning much, but then there was the Fashion Mall. It looked like some MIB crazy spaceship was landing in its front area, but it had some pretty cool stores, as we were leaving we saw there was a Sanrio store there so we decided we would go tomorrow, but get back to the Aladdin for our dinner and show. So we headed back home to the Flamingo and got dressed in our nicer clothing.

The free dinner's to Lombardi's were so worth it, the food was great and we sat in the Desert Passage and people watched while we ate delicious foccacia bread and salmon and chicken dinners. After that we waited in line for V, the variety show, and met two funny older ladies. We happened to get seated in the best seats for general admission and the old ladies sat next to us. The show was hilarious, Wally Eastwood, the juggler, was awesome, very funny and super crazy talented, then there were a bunch of other good acts too, the host was hilarious and then there were some people from "The Enterainer" show. After that we headed back to the monorail and back up to the Sahara.

The monorail said to catch CAT Bus 108 under the terminal at the end, so went down there and it was all creepy and dark and we didn't see anything like a bus stop, but on the other side there was a bus bench, so we ran across the street and waited, one couple came and were trying to get to Fremont Street Experience too but they didn't know and didn't want to wait. Then a few minutes later this mom and daughter came and sat with us, then we saw the bus, but he told us it was on the otherside, at some obscure dark area with a tiny sign. So we went over there and waited, then caught the bus and headed on up.

We arrived at about 10:50pm and right as we got there caught the first movie. It was some ladies and fire one that kinda sucked. But it was still awesome on a 3 block long screen. Then we went to the Golden Nugget and saw the gold nuggets, went to Fitzgerald's, 4 Queens, and then saw the Mermaid, and they had awesome drink specials. We got a 3 foot New Orleans style Daquiri(like a slurpy, from a machine) and we drank it and looked around some more. THen at midnight we saw the next movie. It was an awesome one with flowers and beaches and had a great song that I was drunkenly dancing too, as well as all the other people in the street, which was very few compared to the Strip. It was a blast, after that we caught a cab back home as I drunkenly hollared and made a minor scene. It was fun. Then back home to the Flamingo. After buying bottles of water in the machine outside the room. Posted by Picasa


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